新的一周好 :)
最近读了 Your Money or Your Life,几十年前的书了,其中最深入人心的大概是 money = life energy 的观点。你一生的时间和精力是有限的,你愿意出售多少时间和精力来换钱?事实证明,超过某个临界点后,更多的钱就换不到更多的快乐了。你的临界点是多少?多少对于你是足够(enough)的?还是说你其实在无意识地玩「whoever dies with the most toys wins」的游戏?
Money is something you trade your life energy for. You sell your time for money. It doesn’t matter that Ned over there sells his time for a hundred dollars and you sell yours for twenty dollars an hour. Ned’s money is irrelevant to you. The only real asset you have is your time. The hours of your life.
You can never have enough if you are measuring by what others have or think. It’s like trying to go up a down escalator.
Financial Independence has nothing to do with rich. It is the experience of having enough—and then some.
🎞 Nomadland →
介于虚构和写实之间的一部电影,期待很久,最近在 Hulu 上映了,讲的是美国经济萧条时期房车游牧一族的生活。导演是赵婷,主演是 Frances McDormand,两位了不起的女性,她们在伦敦国际电影节的获奖采访也很别具一格
🧘🏻 Headspace Guide to Meditation →
偶然点开了 Headspace 和 Netflix 联合制作的冥想入门系列视频,哪怕为了插画也值得一看。另外推荐 Headspace 里新出的 Move 和 Focus 频道 :)
🔖 Readng →
一个简洁的读书记录工具,比 Goodreads 轻量
📝 Why did I leave Google or, why did I stay so long? →
Waze CEO 离开 Google 后,写了篇文章分享公司里哪些事情让他无法继续再待下去。总结起来就是信噪比变小了,节奏慢,多数精力浪费在他认为不重要的程序上(比如 privacy);员工追求的是升职、工作生活平衡、福利和经济回报,而非全身心创造激动人心的产品;行事风格太中庸,不能根据自己的需要开除人,不能说政治不正确的话等等。有意思 🤷🏻♀️
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探讨 Clubhouse 与博客、播客、Facebook、Twitter、COVID、中国
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